Focus & Scope
Gaster is a national periodical journal which contains research articles in health sector. Gaster: Health journals are expected to be a medium for conveying scientific findings and innovations in the health sector for those in the health sector, both those engaged in the health sector.
Gaster is published twice a year (February and August) by the Research Center of Aisyiyah University Surakarta. The editorial team invited health observers to express their ideas in order to improve self-professionalism and responsibility for national education. This journal was first published in 2007.
Gaster is a peer reviewed journal and an open access journal that focuses on health. This focus covers the related areas and scopes related to the following :
- Nursing
- Midwifery
- Physiotherapy
- Pharmacy
- Community Nutrition
- Public Health
Noted: Articles have primary citations and have never been published online or printed before.