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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • Attaching a statement of authenticity article is not plagiarism (with stamp) (PDF)
  • Attaching the license certificate of ethics (Ethical Clearance) for articles involving humans or experimental animals (PDF)
  • Articles submitted files in RTF format, or other Office support files that can be edited so that the reviewer can provide comments and suggestions directly to the file.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines link, which is found in this journal menus.

Author Guidelines


1. The submitted manuscript to the editors has not been published in any other scientific journals either in print or online or has not been submitted to another journal, proven by filling and submitting an  Author's  Statement

2. The manuscript is in English, well-written, clear, straightforward, and concise. 

3. All submitted manuscripts must use the Online Submission service at the following address: ( However, you can register as an author and fill out the registration form if you don't have an account. These supplementary documents must be considered and completed in the Online Submission (Uploaded as a Supplementary File):

  • Signed Author's Statement Form  (scan the document after signing) [Download Author's Statement Form].
  • Attacth your check similliraty. The result is still above the minimum limit of 20 %
  • Attach the Ethical Clearance
  • If you have a problem, you can email the manuscript and supplementary documents: to [email protected]  

4. The manuscript should be prepared according to the following author guidelines in the Template [Download Journal Template]

5. Manuscripts sent back to the authors after revision should be returned to the editor immediately. The revised manuscript should be uploaded to the Online Submission feature in the Upload Author Version from the Review task window (If you have a problem, you can submit a revision via email). The revised document should include:

  • One (1) MS Word file for Revision Notes in a table concerning the Reviewer's comments including the location of the revision on the revised manuscript. The table columns should be Number, Reviewer's Comments, Answer/Revision Note, and Location of Revision (page number, and/or line).
  • One (1) MS Word file for the Revised Manuscript file according to Template-based format (MS Word file) (Important: Highlight the revised sentences in red). The revised manuscript returned later than three months will be considered a new submission and will be reviewed again by other Peer Reviewers.

6. Upon receiving the manuscript, the editor will send a "notification for processing" notice to the author at least 7 days afterward.

7. Each article submitted to the editorial office of Journal Gaster is not charged for submission. The publication fee is borne by this journal publisher. 



A. The research manuscript has the following systematics arrangement:

The script is typed using the Microsoft Word program on A4 paper size. The font used should be Times New Roman, size 14 pt for the title, and 12 pt for the contents of the script. Headlines are typed in bold, whereas Latin names are typed in italics. The script is formatted with a 1 cm spacing, with left, right, and bottom margin limits of 2 cm, and a top margin of 1.5 cm. The length of the manuscript should not be below 8 pages or exceed 12 pages. All scripts are numbered with page numbers and line numbers  [Download Journal Template].

1. The title page contains:

  • The title is written in English.
  • The author's name (written without any title), the author's address, and the short title (running title).
  • The headline should be no more than 14 words, and the short title should not exceed 6 
  • The author's address should include majors/departments or laboratories, accompanied by the institution/university name and postal code. If there are multiple authors, each with a different institutional address, then each name should be indexed with an Arabic numeral. At the bottom of the heading page, the contact information for the corresponding author (responsible for correspondence) should include their name, address, phone number, mobile phone (HP), fax, and email.

2. The abstract is written in both English and Bahasa Indonesia, with a maximum length of 250 words. It serves as the essence of the entire writing, including background, purpose, methods, results, and conclusions. Additionally, the abstract should come with 3 - 5 keywords, alphabetically sorted.

3. The introduction contains background information, supporting literature, problem formulation, research objectives, as well as research benefits. 

4. The materials and methods section includes explanations of the materials and tools utilized, details of time, location, engineering aspects, and the research draft. It must be described as comprehensively as possible to enable other researchers to perform retests. References are provided for lesser-known methods. Sources or references for materials or products used should be mentioned, including the name of the company and country, possibly accompanied by the catalog number. Commercial names should be accompanied by their generic names. The use of animals in research should adhere to animal welfare guidelines (Helsinki Declaration at

5. The results are expressed clearly. Tables, illustrations (pictures, graphs, and diagrams), or photos can be provided as needed. Results presented in tables or illustrations do not need to be outlined in the text. Tables are numbered and referenced sequentially in the text, with titles written briefly and clearly. Captions are placed as footnotes and not in the title. Any abbreviations or shorthand used are described in the footnotes. Vertical lines in tables should be minimized to clarify the vision.  Decimal numbers are formatted in English style. Illustrations such as images, graphs, or diagrams are numbered and referenced sequentially in the text. Captions are brief and clear and placed below the illustration, not within it. Color photographs must be high contrast, sharp, and vivid, with a minimum size of 125 x 195 mm. Additional data presented in related videos can be submitted as supplementary material and will only be available in online format. 

6. The discussion is written separately from the results. It does not repeat the narrative of the results but offers interpretation and analysis of the data obtained. This may involve referring to, comparing, strengthening, or criticizing the results of previous research. The discussion describes the research findings, how they can solve existing problems, differences and similarities with previous studies, and possible development.

7. The conclusion is presented briefly in its paragraph at the end of the discussion and is not given a separate subtitle.

8. Acknowledgment is addressed to individuals or institutions that made significant contributions to the research, such as lenders, providers of data sources, research materials, and facilities used for the research, but not a team of writers.  At the end, the author should include a statement confirming the absence of conflicts of interest: 'The author declares that there is no conflict of interest with any party involved in this research.'

9. The list of references includes all publication articles referenced in the manuscript. The references are organized according to the Harvard system, specifically using the 'APA' standard format. There should be a minimum of 25 references from the last 10 years before the date of submission. The author's names are arranged alphabetically.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.